About Us
The Waveland Golf Association (WGA) is a 200 member strong men's organization that was formed in 1951 at the oldest municipal golf course west of the Mississipi, Waveland Municipal Golf Course. We run the very popular men's league every Tuesday in the summer, organize and participate in various service projects for the golf course and help run the Des Moines City golf tournament. The main focus of the WGA is to promote golf at Waveland Municipal Golf Course.

The Waveland Golf Association is continuously looking for ways we can improve our "home" course, and in the past this has led to waste baskets, sprinkler head yardage markers, building stairs for safer access to the 4th tee, annual spring clean-up days, trophy cases, clubhouse flooring, to name just a few. The flag pole and "Waveland" sign adjacent to the 15th green and 16th tee are also WGA sponsored projects that can be seen prominently from I-235. The WGA has also been providing exposure for Waveland by marshalling a hole at the Principal Charity Classic every year since the tournament was started.
The WGA is proud of the Des Moines Men's City Golf Tournament, proud of the exposure we bring to Waveland at the Principal Charity Classic, and most importantly, proud that we represent the oldest municipal golf course west of the Mississippi and will strive to maintain its traditions and prominence.