Waveland Golf Association

Est. 1951


  • 2024 League Winners!
  • Posted 8/29/2024

    Congratulations to team Birdie Juicers for winning the 2024 team competition! See the final results here.

    Congratulations also go out to our Gross Match Play Champion, Derek Schultz and Handicap Match Play Champion, Geoff Schumann!

Waveland Golf Course

  • Established 1901
  • Oldest municipal course west of the Mississippi
  • Phone: (515) 248-6302
  • Book League Tee Time

League Results

About Us

The Waveland Golf Association (WGA) is a 200+ member strong organization that was formed in 1951 at the oldest municipal golf course west of the Mississipi, Waveland Municipal Golf Course in Des Moines, Iowa. We run the very popular league every Tuesday in the summer, donate to course improvement projects for the golf course and help volunteer for the Des Moines City golf tournament.

The main focus of the WGA is to promote the game of golf at Waveland Municipal Golf Course.

The Waveland Golf Association is continuously looking for ways we can improve our "home" course, and in the past this has led to the clock next to #10 tee, sprinkler head yardage markers, building stairs for safer access to the 4th tee, annual spring clean-up days, trophy cases, clubhouse flooring, to name just a few. The flag pole and "Waveland" sign adjacent to the 15th green and 16th tee are also WGA sponsored projects that can be seen prominently from I-235. The WGA has also been providing exposure for Waveland by marshalling a hole at the Principal Charity Classic every year since the tournament was started.

The WGA is proud of the Des Moines Men's City Golf Tournament, proud of the exposure we bring to Waveland at the Principal Charity Classic, and most importantly, proud that we represent the oldest municipal golf course west of the Mississippi and will strive to maintain its traditions and prominence.


All board members serve 2 year terms. Year shown is beginning golf year of term. New President and Vice-President take over at the Fall Meeting preceeding their starting golf year.

Greg Bentley (2025)


Cory Schultes (2025)

Vice President/League Chairman

Dave Schlarmann


Mike Rooney


Joe Finn (2024)


Chuck Hensley (2024)


John Leahy (2024)


Merle Elbert (2024)


Alex Rooney (2024)


Jim Calvert (2025)


Joe Morris (2025)


Dave Spiering (2025)


Chris Aldinger (2025)


Mark Rooney (2025)


Chris Osborn (2025)


Joe Schafer (2025)


Frequently Asked Questions

  • What night is league night?

    League night is Tuesday with official tee-times from 1:00 p.m. - 6:30 p.m. on the Front 9 and 3:00 p.m. - 6:30 p.m. on the Back 9. If you have a 3, 4 or 5 some you can sign up each Tuesday at 7 a.m. using the Waveland online system. If you have 2 or less in your group, you will be able to fill in with another group that isn't full. Remember, PATIENCE is requested the first couple of weeks as things smooth out.
    See the Tee Time Reservation Guide here.

    Thank you for your cooperation.

  • This is a 9 hole league, however, both the front and back sides are utilized each week and your team alternates between each side weekly. If you are an alternate you can play either side. For your score to count you are required to play with at least one other league member.

  • The league starts in mid-April and currently runs for 18 weeks thru August. See the latest schedule here.

  • The current yearly league fee is $85 which includes prize money and your Iowa Golf Association membership including the GHIN handicap service. In addition, you are responsible for green fees each week at the course rate. Carts are optional. There is also an optional weekly skins game (both gross and net) you can sign up for in advance at a cost of $18 for the year as well as both gross and net match play competitions you can register for.

  • In mid-March we send out an email with newsletter and online sign-up instructions to our current membership. The newsletter will also be available here on the website. Please contact any of the board members or send an email to info@wavelandga.com if you are interested in joining the league and they will make sure to get you on the waiting list and will answer any questions you may have. New members are always welcome as long as we have room!

  • Your registered email is your login account (password sent by league.chairman@wavelandga.com) for the www.Waveland.GolfLeague.Net scoring website and Mobile App. Instructions for use of either will be sent to your registered email. The use of scorecards (Waveland or old League cards) can be used but not handed in. You can take a picture of your scorecard and txt/email them to 515-282-5556 or league.chairman@wavelandga.com. Subs unfortunately must do this because the app won’t recognize a sub because no set side play is known. On scorecards, don’t forget to include putts and GIR. Ambiguous names (like “Bob”), illegible markings, or cards with less than 5 holes marked won’t be recorded and obviously won’t count. All score submissions must be submitted after the round or by 10:00 p.m. of the day of league or the submission may not be counted.

  • Each league week there are $2 prizes for low net score, low gross score, least putts, most pars, and most greens in regulation. In addition, each birdie receives $2, each eagle receives $10 and each double eagle receives $50. Prize money ONLY applies to the 9 holes turned in on an official league day. Prize money will be in the form of clubhouse credit to be used for fees/food/drink.

  • The hole-in-one prize is a progressive JACKPOT starting at $20. Each week of league, the WGA will increase the payout amount by $20. There are 18 weeks of league play, our WGA Club Championship, and our Fun/Playoff night. With a total of 20 chances to get a hole-in-one, that last week of league could amount $400 to the hole-in-one recipient. If there is a hole-in-one during the year, that person would earn that progressive amount, which would reset the following week back to $20 (then grow from there).

    The hole-in-one jackpot would carry over to next year, however, we are putting a cap of $400 regardless of carryover and growth. In the event multiple holes-in-one are achieved in a given league day, the pot is SPLIT amongst those players. A player getting two or more holes-in-one on a single league event, would only receive 1x the payout.

    The payout will be in the form of a Waveland clubhouse gift card. The hole-in-one must be recorded during the single 9-hole league round. A league score submitted that does not represent the hole-in-one will not be given credit (sorry). Subs don’t have a set 9-holes to play should be submitting scores from their FIRST 9 holes as their league round. A hole-in-one must be witnessed.

  • Handicaps are based on the best five of ten (nine hole league) scores. New player handicaps are established after the first nine hole score.

  • There is no requirement to be part of a team to play in the league. All the pin events, scoring prizes, etc... are distributed on an individual basis. If you do not want to commit to a team you are free to play as an alternate and are eligible for all prizes and pin events each week. The team concept is more for fun than anything. There is a "draft" each Spring in mid-April and if you want to guarantee all your guys are on the same team you could volunteer to be a captain, or talk to someone needing new guys and they may just pick you up as a group. Even if you end up on a different team than your buddy, you can play together each week if you want. Our team scoring is based on attendance and net scoring, not any sort of head-to-head schedule. The winning team members receive a plaque at the end of the year, but no prize money, that is all given away on an individual basis.

  •  · Two divisions - 9 teams per division.
     · 12 players per team.
     · On league night, teams play against all other teams in the league.
     · The total of the low 7 net scores per team are used.
     · Teams get 3 points for every team they beat and 1 point for a tie.
     · Teams get 1 point per player (player points).
     · Maximum points per team on league night is 63. (51 for beating the other 17 teams + 12 player show up points)
     · Teams that require a sub (less than 7 of 12 members playing), a ghost sub is placed in the vacant slot for consistency. The ghost sub shoots a net +9. Ghost subs do not count as a player participation point.
     · The 2 division winners from the 1st half of the season and the 2 division winners from the 2nd half of the season play each other on Playoff night for the league championship.
     · The same team can not win their division both halves of the season.

  • We usually have 4 or more steak nights during the year. Currently the steak dinners cost $20.95 and include a London broil steak, 2 sides, dessert and 2 drinks. We grill the steaks ourselves and you sign up and pay the week prior so the course knows how many to plan for. On steak nights we will have a random drawing for a Waveland gift card as well as flag prizes on both front and back 9's. For flag prizes, you are only eligible to claim a flag prize for the designated FRONT 9 or BACK 9 where your league round is to be played.

  • You can enter the league match play tournament by including the $10 entry fee on your sign up form or by paying separately at the Spring Meeting. The Match Play Committee pairs the first matches at random, after that it is up to the individual players to arrange their own matches. Your WGA handicap at the time of the match is used. See the latest newsletter for more information.

  • When you registered for the league, you specified your use of White, Gold or White/Gold combo tees.

    Gold Tees are for members 65 and older. The White/Gold combo tees are recommended for players over 50, with higher handicaps, or relative short length to their tee shots. White tees are recommended otherwise. The tee set you start the season with must be used throughout. Contact your league chairman if you have questions/concerns/reasons for changing tees sets. White/Gold combo participants need to read the stock Waveland scorecard that will show a shade on the scorecard yardage indicating that hole to be played on white or gold tee box. ie: Gold tees on holes 3, 4, 8, 9, 10, 12, 14, 16, 17

  • Events occur where the WGA will consider cancelling or voiding a league day. If the Waveland course is closed then our league is closed, however, a temporary closure does not mean our league is cancelled for that day. Ex: Some weather event closes the course for some but not all of the league day. If 104 or more members submit scores on a given league day the league event will be counted (11:59pm same day is the deadline for score submission). If 103 or less members submit scores, the league day will be canceled and voided. These numbers constitute more than half of the average members that play on Tuesdays. Scores, skins, and other payouts will not count if the league day is voided. Match Play competitions between competitors will stand if played. If you start your round and the course closes, be sure to report your scores via the app or a scorecard texted to the League Chairman. We will handicap the holes not played so you and your team will get credit, however, you must have played 50% of the holes (played 5 of 9 holes) for your score to be prorated and accepted. This amount of holes must be played in order to receive a player point for the team. One make-up day is available to make up a cancelled league day. Any more than one rainout and the league schedule will be shortened. Tee times for their respective front/back 9 sides for the following week will be played as scheduled.

  • The official league policy is to play the ball up in your own fairway, but down in the rough. Balls played up should not exceed 6 inches from the original position. In addition, our league finishes putts with no gimmies. Strokes/holes conceded in match play contests must still be holed-out as a part of a players submitted score for league rounds.

Tee Marker Advertisers

Special thanks to our Tee Marker Advertisers! Please support these fine establishments!
Send an email to info@wavelandga.com if you are interested in becoming a tee marker advertiser.

DSM Symphony

Hole #1

Norm's Pub

Hole #2


Hole #3

Bradley's Pub

Hole #4

O'Donnell Ace Hardware

Hole #5

Taste of Italy

Hole #6

Oakwood Builders Group

Hole #7


Hole #8

Drake Diner

Hole #9

Adventure Lighting

Hole #10

The Station

Hole #11

Ashworth Vision

Hole #12


Hole #13

Drake Homes

Hole #14


Hole #15

West Bank

Hole #16

Court Av. Brewing Company

Hole #17

EKG Golf

Hole #18